Thursday, September 10, 2009

Isn't This What Blogs Are For?

Instead of continuing to rag on my ex friend through emails, I have decided to start a blog about why he sucks. I am sure this will quickly spawn another blog titled Why Does Christine Pick Such Awful Men but I'll get to that down the road.

I don't usually compare men but thinking about it, SCM was a lot more fun to write about simply because he could laugh at himself and some of the stupid shit he did. AJ (stands for average Joe) never admitted to be wrong, never spent the time to consider anything I thought or said and quite frankly, finding the humor in this train wreck is going to be a challenge.

Hey but I am up for it. I did the husband and now kids, let me start telling you about The 101 Reasons Why I Hate My Ex Lover.

I have been advised to keep the new bitch fest invitation only and I agree that this is a good idea. Send me an email at if you're interested in this unrelationship from hell.

Part two of the SCM saga will be posted here shortly.


So Single said...

Sure blogs are for bitching! It's a healthy outlet. :)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Hee hee! :-)

Coffeypot said...

I've thought of that, a blog where I can right down my thoughts and feelings anonymously. I say go for it. Since you are telling the world about your new site and put a link to it, and you don’t want him to know what you are saying about him, you might consider invitation only security.

GiGi said...

Good for you - I should start a blog wherein I would just bitch and complain...I think I would have no problem with posting several times a day!!!

Christine said...

Maybe you're right CP. Although he knows about this blog, I think it is highly unlikely that he is checking it or ever would but I think I will make it invitation only.

This relationship is the only one that has ever ended that I literally can not stand the person I was with and I think he feels the same.

The Dish said...

Who do I have to bribe to get an invite? ;) Am I not a kewl kid anymore?

Christine said...

The problem is I don't have all the kewl kid's email addresses. Boo Hoo.

Libby said... know i have to be there! knowing all parties involved, & the similarities between x-lover & my x-husband...& i have been here since minute one, it'd be criminal NOT to invite me!! lol!

Shiny Rod said...

I know I've done my fair share of bitching on my blog. I'm there if you don't mind having me. As Brian says, "Who's leg do I have to hump to get a martini around here?"