Friday, March 28, 2008

Two Nuns Walk Into A Bar. The Third One Ducks.

George Carlin has a new special on HBO. I would tell you the name but I don't pay attention to shit like that. I just channel surf through pay channels and stop when something may have the potential of making me forget my crappy boring life for fifteen minutes or so.

This morning, while having my daily infusion of caffeine and cigarettes, I noticed Georgy's name with the name of the special (that I forgot) on the info tag.

And stopped to check it out.

First thing I notice is the G Man has gotten fucking OLD. I saw him live a couple of years back and he had mentioned he recently quit drugs. I think he should take them back up because he was looking a lot perkier back then.

The second thing I noticed is that his new special is his last two specials with the name (that I forgot) changed. None of it seemed original although it was still slightly humorous in a familiar sort of way.

No, this isn't a review of Mr. Carlin's new HBO with the name of the special I forgot. It is more about age and knowing when it is time to give it up.

When my son and I saw him a couple of years ago, the dude was reading off of note cards. He joked about it explaining he needed to learn new shit for his up coming HBO special (the name of which I also forgot) and he is working some stuff out.

Not for anything but I think he should have paid the audience if he was only going to use us as practice.

I am sorry but I don't think old performers are nostalgic. I think they are used up and a little sad.

Sort of like the 50 year old walking through the mall with the long dyed blond hair and the hip huggers.

There are some things I just don't want to see.
When I am trying to be entertained and I feel obligated to laugh or clap to make the performer feel good, it is time for them to go behind the scenes and help out the up and comings that don't require note cards and naps between sets.
Just sayin'............


Mary said...

I saw George Carlin several years ago in Vegas and I was really disappointed. He seemed so bitter and angry and was not at all funny. His opening act, so unknown guy, was the best part of the evening.

Burfica said...

I agree, see I told everyone yesterday that old people suck. lmaoooooooooo

Libby said...

he's so old, if he disn't have note cards....there'd be no show!

WendyC said...

Coincidentally I just saw George Carlin at the Bass Hall in Fort Worth last Saturday. I saw him several years ago and his show back then was much funnier than what I saw the other night. Now he seems to spend most of his time harping on how there is no God, Heaven or Hell and how anybody who thinks so is just stupid. Which, regardless of your personal beliefs, you get tired of hearing about for 75% or so of the show...

Jillian said...

And that's why I stick to his books...

It's ashame when a person ruins starts to ruin their own memory.

Summer said...

I'm 53 and I wish someone would tell me what sort of jeans I *should* be wearing because I can't find any that I like.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to help summer...if you see a 16 year old wearing the exact same pair, they don't look as good on you.

If however, you see a 30 year old that looks hot in a pair after two kids, those be the ones for you.

You're welcome.