Monday, January 25, 2010

My Kid The Nerd?

When I think nerd, I picture this.

Not that there is anything wrong with being a nerd, I mean someone needs to invent the next big computer operating system, but my kid doesn't seem to fit into what I always assumed a nerd was.  To me a nerd was a super smart misfit who dressed like their parents and were socially retarded.  So I was shocked when she informed me this past weekend that she is in the nerd group at school.  This is a kid who spends hours on the phone with half the girls in her class and went over her text messaging limit by 1000 this month.  She is style conscious, outgoing, thin and active.  Okay, she wears glasses but a third of her class does as well and some of them are "in" with the popular group.

So, I asked her...

"What makes a person a Nerd?"

She looked at me like I was socially retarded and said...

When you're not one of the popular kids.

Now I had a dilemma.  I can't ask why she isn't one of the popular kids, that makes it sound like she should be or I am disappointed that she isn't and yet, why wasn't she one of the popular kids? 

I think she is pretty kewl myself.

Not to mention I wish she were more nerd like.  She would be getting much better grades and I could start planning to be supported by her in the future. 

The problem is, I don't know if there really is a problem.  She didn't give the nerd title as if it were a particularly bad thing so maybe the hang up with the title is mine.

I am picturing the kid that sits alone, covered in cat hair and smelling like mothballs.  Maybe the nerds of the 21st century are a different breed. 

Comment of the day:
Jay: I really kind of hate the way the popular and good looking kids took the "title" nerd away from the real nerds. It's typical of them really. Once it became trendy to be a nerd, they wanted to be called one too.

But, until someone threatens to kick your ass if you make a perfect score on another physics test, or you get shoved into a locker by some other jock, you're not really a nerd. haha ;-)


Karen said...

I think nerds a little bit "good two shoes". Not a bad thing in my opinion. Aren't the popular ones normally hoochies?

Doc said...

I think the term Nerd may morphed since we were in high school... Seems to be less stigma to it.

Coffeypot said...

What's wrong with the way that guy is dressed? He looks cool to me. I'm going out to Wal-Mart and get me some of those threads right now.

Jay said...

I really kind of hate the way the popular and good looking kids took the "title" nerd away from the real nerds. It's typical of them really. Once it became trendy to be a nerd, they wanted to be called one too.

But, until someone threatens to kick your ass if you make a perfect score on another physics test, or you get shoved into a locker by some other jock, you're not really a nerd. haha ;-)

Christine said...

No need for further commenting. Jay wins. LOL

Special K said...

Now days I hear the kids even early 20s call themselves nerds like it is a compliment. Most of them mean uber smart and gamers/lovers of all technology like the old school but knowing that name brand clothes and cars etc.. doesn't make you any more cool.
So I guess they took the word back and made it cool sans pocket protectors and glasses (now they have Ipods and contact lenses) LOL

Vinomom said...

It doesn't sound like she's very upset about it,and if all sources indicate she has lots of friends, then I would say she's pretty well adjusted. But I can picture myself having these same thoughts about my daughter.

I think previous commenter is right. The word Nerd has morphed even since I was in HS (circa 1999) - it's not a bad thing. It's probably cooler than being "popular" !

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I think our generation of children have grown up with "nerds" like Bill Gates being hailed as the best thing since sliced bread. They see how successful a nerd can be, so it loses the stigma it had when we were kids. I know my kid (the oldest) is a nerd and probably a geek as well. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't being called a nerd be a compliment? Look at all the really successful people in this world, they are all nerds. Jocks might have early initial success but they almost all fail at life and end up broke and broken down
