If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know I am not big on getting involved with the soccer moms and their school related dramas.
I really don't give a shit about what is going on at the school unless they have beaten the hell out of my kid. And only then if the little shit didn't have it coming.
So when the caller ID flashed with the name of one of the class mothers, I knew I should have let it go to voicemail.
Instead I picked it up out of curiosity.
BIG mistake.
This classmate is a friend of my daughter and also a fellow cheerleader. Tryouts for the placement of the kids on the squad were last week. The girls had the option of making Varsity or Jr Varsity. All the girls would make the team but only the best would make Varsity.
My Princess came home last week and said she was disappointed that she didn't make varsity this year.
"Maybe next year" I said with a shrug and that was that.
Or so I thought.
The parent that called me was OUTRAGED that her kid didn't make the first string squad. And when I say OUTRAGED I mean vomiting pea soups, head turning completely around, pissed off hysterical. I'll call her POM or Pissed Off Mom.
Her first question was how I felt about it.
Honestly I said the other girls that made it were better than my daughter so I had no problem with their choices at all.
Apparently the wrong answer.
"Well, do you think it is FAIR that there were five girls in one class that tried out and only two make it!!!??" snapped POM.
Ummm, yeah?
She went on and on about self esteem and being disappointed and how it was funny how the cheerleader coach's own kid made Varsity but our kids did not. It was also brought up that the other girl that made the squad has a mother that donated money to the team to buy new uniforms and isn't THAT interesting.
Ummm, no?
The coach's kid has been cheering since she was five and is just terrific. The contributor's kid is also very active in the sport and is equally as good.
Honestly, POM's kid sucks. I mean really sucks. She flaps around like a bird, has no coordination and can't follow the cheers.
The Princess is definitely more coordinated but she doesn't have the confidence that the other two that made the first string possesses so I think they made a good choice.
POM had insisted on a meeting with the principal and the coach this morning and wanted me to back her up. Of course I told her that I have no intention of doing any such thing, I have no problem with any of this.
She said her daughter doesn't want to participate at all if she isn't first string.
I received a call on my way to work and the outcome of the meeting is the coach stood her ground and POM's kid quit.
What the hell kind of message is this sending to your kid lady? The world is a competitive place and every kid isn't going to excel at all things. Kids need to learn about disappointment and after the age of 8, I don't feel like all things need to be equal anymore. Kids should learn to compete and do their best. Things aren't always handed to you because you want them or you Mommy will bitch loudly about your emotional problems and how important this is to your self esteem.
I feel bad for this kid. She is going to be ill prepared for what the future has in store for her.