Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why does it feel lately that I take my live into my hands every time I get on the road? Since school resumed, I feel like I am in the middle of the WII GT Pro Series game and the goal isn't winning but getting to my destination with my head and my automobile in one piece.

My assumption is there are a bunch of 16 years olds that took drivers ed this summer and Mom is letting them take the car to school. These kids are aggressive but worse, they consider their driving skills to be the least important part of the adventure. Their priorities consist of the text messaging, cell phone calls, makeup application and chatting with the other seven kids that needed a ride to school that day.

Okay, so yeah, I do all that shit too but I am experienced G-d Damn It and I have practiced those maneuvers for years. They have no excuse.

No wonder insurance costs a fortune for these nimrods. Which is all well and good except I don't want to be the one they hit. Sadly, it is severely cutting down on my multitasking while I spend my entire commute having to drive defensively to their swerving and speeding.

What scares me more is my idiot son recently purchased a motorcycle since he was previously one of those very nimrods and could no longer afford to insure an actual vehicle with doors. Currently, he is cruising the roads next to these fucktards that think a blind spot is something you get when you look straight into the sun to long. I refuse to pay his car insurance but I'll tell you what...

I have that health insurance premium paid like clockwork.


The Dish said...

Sometimes there are advantages to living where you work. I don't have to leave property if I don't want. That way no one can hit me.

Shiny Rod said...

I live in the sticks and about 3 miles away from the highway. Kids have to ride the school bus unless they have insurance, DL, school permission, grades must be C and above. It took a couple of very tragic accidents for the laws to change.

The Girl said...

It's a jungle out there, be careful :)

Special K said...

It's getting worse all the time now thanks to cellphones's the texters that get me. Now I just sound old and crochety! LOL

Evil Twin's Wife said...

It really is scary. I try to keep all my activities in my small town, but sometimes, I do have to venture out - luckily, I can do that at not rush hour times. Then, I only have to contend with the half-cocked senior citizens who can barely see above the steering wheel! LOL.