A few weeks ago, my little brain made the decision to start a raw food detox diet.
I was going to start another blog about the experience but soon realized that writing "I am starving and I am not a fucking rabbit" would get old.
By the way...
I am starving and I am not a fucking rabbit.
I am not doing 100% raw but eat a normal dinner at night. Normal meaning consuming some kind of charred animal flesh with a veggie that doesn't crunch.
The point of this eating regiment isn't to lose weight. Although that has been a very nice side effect. It is more about stopping the tired feeling during the afternoon and having more energy to do the things I want to do.
Unfortunately, the things I want to do all revolve around pizza, wings and beer. Quite the little quandary.
So I sit at my desk munching on carrots, celery and fruit all day trying to get in enough calories so not to pass out from starvation and wondering why the hell I decided to do this?
Obviously, it hasn't improved my memory.
Any of you kids even try an odd diet and if so, what was it and what kind of results did you get?
Never have tried an odd diet - but that cartoon you posted reminded me of how I felt when I was pregnant with #3 - my GOD I did not know it was possible to love fast food that much...
I did the Maratha's Vineyard 21 day detox for 3 days. But I spent about $150 bucks on all the supplements so that was smart.
Good luck.
Salads, water and scotch. The diet of a desperate man. What that desperation is, I don't know but I hope it knocks another 50 lbs of me before I figure it out.
Atkins was as weird as it gets for me. I can't physically handle it for more than a week. After day 3 I get a wicked head-ache and then am sick and miserable for the rest of the time - but hey, I do lose some weight!
I am chunky and happy! Not really but I do not have the willpower to diet. I do try to eat healthier when i feeling super bloated, though.
Karen: That sucks. I did the same thing with medifast once. I'll these suppliments and liquids and I couldn't make it a week.
Olly, I did Atkins too. Once no carbs which gave me that same headache and once with the carbs minuts fiber count which was a lot easier but didn't work quite as well.
I really must say I do feel healthier than I have in a while on this rabbit diet. I could never be a vegan because I enjoy chowing down on defenseless animals too much but I understand the appeal.
I cannot say enough about my Gluten Free Diet! I feel so incredibly better when I stick to it 100% (which is not all the time) God the pizza I had two weeks ago made me so ill I don't ever want pizza again! I sleep better and definitely have more energy cuz I'm not feeling bloated all the time!
If you want any more details just shoot me an email.
I'm always up to trying something new. I can't stick to a vegan diet either. And Atkins makes me want carbs so badly I will eat cardboard by Day 3. I did discover the below blog that helped shed light on some new thots. Maybe balance the protien with "good carbs" and junk food isn't so bad if you choose it wisely.
That said - I'm starting a "higher" (not high) protien diet this week as I have gained back 15 of the 40 pounds I recently lost.
I did the "low carb" diet a few years ago and lost quite a bit of weight. Basically, it's 2 meals of high protein/no carbs and one meal of 1/3s - 1/3 carb, 1/3 protein, etc. But, it states that you must start your carb meal with at least one large bowl of salad and a lot of water. (I guess so you're less hungry). For me, cutting out the snacking was hard, but typically, I would have one egg cheese omelet for breakfast, low carb veggies and ranch dressing for lunch (or a hamburger with no bun) and then a normal-ish dinner. It wasn't bad at all - until people started to make comments, like "Eat a damn sandwich or something!" (that was when I hit 110 at 5 foot 9).
etw--sorry, i just hafta ask...did you look like a telephone pole at that ht & wt? j/k.. ;-)
"You are what you eat." OMG, I'm a pussy!!!
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