Monday, November 16, 2009

Personal  logic is a thought that seems totally indisputably  correct to you but another person may think you are out of your mind for actually considering such a thing.

Such as the fact that when you take a pint of Eddys Max out of the freezer, it should be consumed in its entirety.

Wearing brown shoes with a black belt is an error of epic proportion.

So when I overhead some bat shift crazy soccer mom critiquing her ex husband for pulling the kids out of school three days early to take them to Washington DC for Thanksgiving, I had a sudden urge to shove a drum stick up her tight little ass.
This bitch was HORRIFIED that her precious snot dripping, swine flu carrying, ass crusty twerps would miss drawing a misshapen tree in art class or skip the spelling test that, while witnessing that gene pool, the little dumbass would have failed anyway.
This shrew went on and on to her black root friend in the express lame (with twenty two items mind you) of how Jr's entire future is at stake and he may not be able to get into the McDonalds training program to follow the rest of the clan into the family business.

I just don't get why someone would be so up in arms over a kid missing a few days of school for a memory that will last a lifetime.

Then again, my kids didn't spend four long hard years in the third grade.


Coffeypot said...

WHAT??? You can't wear brown shoes with a black belt? Damn...who woulda known? What color belt do you wear with sneakers? AH HA! Trick question. You don't wear a belt with sneakers. Suspenders or a fairly new rope will do.

Karen said...

Hmmmm. People have a zillion different ways to parent their children. No offense, I don't get people who home school. Seriously? You want to spend that much time with your kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm gonna pull my kid out of school to go to Disneyland in April. And I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about it. It's
4th grade for christ's sake.

Christine said...

Karen..I am with you on that home schooling thing. I really don't get it. Competition and socialization are a major part of education as far as I am concerned.

Vino: I am teeellllliiinnnnn.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I took my 5th grader out of school for a WEEK to take him and his little sister to Disney World. They are both STILL talking about it and want to go back.

The Dish said...

People should have to have a license to breed. Just sayin'.

razorbeck said...

The Dish

Wht kind of exam are you proposing to get a breeding license?

GiGi said...

Kids are in school for so long, who gives a shit about three days!!?? I agree on your drumstick sentiment.

Libby said...

a gppd trip to see family for kids beats the hell out of school any day!
"four long hard years in the third grade."...on the chain gang...