My little boy no longer lives with me.
Thank the good Lord above.
For all you Mommas that lament over your first child spreading his/her wings and going out on his/her own I have one question for you? What the FUCK is wrong with you?
My only complaint is that it took too long and he visits too often.
His place doesn't have HBO, Wireless Internet or a cleaning lady. Apparently, he is having a hard time roughing it. He told me he had to start doing something completely unimaginable lately.
He is forced to hang up his towels to reuse them.
GASP! Say it isn't so!!
I thought I would save money in food now that the kid was gone but the oddest thing is happening; every time he visits some of my food seems to disappear into the hot/cold bags he happens to have with him.
The kid is looking really good. Because he can't afford junk food or late night entertainment, (not to mention the occasional bag of weed) he is eating better and getting sleep. His body is slim, his complexion looks smooth and his eyes are actually clear and alert.
Poverty works for him.
Glad I could help out.
hahahahaha that's funny. I think every young person should have to move out and live off of ramen and mac and cheese and hotdogs, to learn just how tough times can be.
You are too funny. My dad was livid when I moved out on my for the first time. Apparently, well-brought-up young ladies live with Mommy and Daddy until they get married. Can you imagine?
good for you!!!! more parents need to show their kids responsibility. if you are going to live with your parents, you should have to contribute financially-
Sounds like Jim the Kid isn't anymore!!
I agree 100% with Burfica!
Well I didn't laminate mine leaving so much as he was taking my GRANDCHILD with him. yeah, I missed him! :)
Nah my kid was pretty damn good and easy to have around but I can completely understand the ones that need to get out in the real world and get their dose of reality. I have a 24 yr old brother that still lives with our Mom! I don't think she wants him out though, sadly, and it isn't that he is doing great things either. He has a job that is it.
Poverty does have a few benefits. haha
When my son first started talking about moving out he was 19. We talked him out of it because we knew he couldn't afford it. Now he is 22 and is in no hurry to move out. What were we thinking??
lol@m chickk!!
& good for you, christine...you're right, he'll do fine. does little sister miss him??
Interesting question Lib, yes, Anna misses him a little but not as much as I thought she would. Jim had been so into himself that we rarely saw him the months before he moved out anyway. Sleeping the day away, grubbing meals off his grandparents and hanging out with friends. He came by this weekend after work and said he was going to take a nap...he woke up at noon the next day. His body need to acclimate to that silly little thing called hard work. I can't imagine how he is going to make it once his classes start up in January but it is character building.
"character building"...LOL!! isnt that what we all tell our kids when they have to do something they don't want to do?? maybe that's why the world is so full of "characters"???
I have never understood the kid that wants to stay home. I couldn't wait to get away. I craved to be on my own. I graduated and joined the service at 17 just to get away. I'm lucky they didn't have The Foreign Legion over here then. And when I received my discharge, I only stayed home long enough to get married and move out. Good for him and you.
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