Self expression? Yeah, I get it but why would you subject your neighbors to this nightmare every day? The article claims there is no law against it and since there is no home owner association, the neighborhood is powerless to do a thing about it.
If someone lives on acres of land, I don't care if they paint their house green with peach polka dots. However, when you are part of a neighborhood, everything you do can effect property values of your neighbors.
Why would a person move into a neighborhood and proceed to alienate the entire block immediately?
You're a dick, we get it. Now repaint your house.
Call me we'll go spray paint his house.
Too funny. Someone in our town who is part of the "art car" society has a house to match. I'll have to take a photo to show you.
Homeowners rule my hood. But no weird color schemes.
Never heard of a homeowners association in Canada though I am sure there are some in the bigger cities. What is the purpose to them other than giving the Local Napolean somme place to order the troops. Why would you agree to surrender sovereinty of your house to group think?
Well, I'll tell ya why Razor. This post.
When you have a homeowners association things like this can't happen. People are concerned about their neighborhood and property values. If you choose to live in a neighborhood with a home owners association, you agree to mow your lawn, keep any fences or sheds within the guidelines of the community along with paint color and cars on the lawn or boats on the side of the house. It just looks cheesy. If you want to paint your house purple, you have a right to do so. Just not in a neighborhood where it effects others. Buy a couple of acres and go to it. I don't want to look at your bright orange house and I know my potential home buyers don't want to look at it either. In the ten years I have lived in my home, I haven't received one notification from the HOA that there was a problem but I know when a house starts looking a little shabby, it doesn't stay that way for long. When you go to buy a house with a HOA, the rules are usually attached to the paperwork to review before you commit to the fees and regulations.
Thats what I mean Chris, you are essentially deeding soveriegnty of your property to group think mentality.
It doesn't really sound very america the free type of thing
I think what your missing razor is the CHOICE to participate in such a community or not.
Don't mean to start a fight Chris the concept just strikes me odd
I wonder how many people screaming about Obama the socialist/marxist belong to a home owners association which to me sounds way more socialist then the health care proposals
Fight? As Michael said. "Im a lover, not a fighter" :-)
I look at it more like a club that you can pay to join if you want. These are the rules and regulations..do you want to become a member or not? If not, there is a community right down the road where you can paint your house fushia, have 4 cats and 5 dogs and keep the car up on bricks in the yard all with no problems at all.
I think if you live out in the country on an acreage where no one can see this monstrosity, you go right ahead and paint it whatever colour you want.
But if you happen to be in a neighbourhood of very prettily painted homes, and you plant this crap heap in the middle, someone is going to get irritated. It doesn't have to be expensive, it just has to be ... moderately modern. There's a house in the town where I live where they've painted EVERYTHING to match: the house is mauve and purple; the car is purple; the RV is mauve and purple; the fence is purple. It doesn't look all that bad because it's just understated enough to look decent and everything sorta matches. But that picture in Christine's blog: that's a nightmare! And even if I didn't live in a gated community (which I don't, but a middle class community), I'd be complaining long and hard about THAT thing. Sorry, Razor ~ if I were back in Canada, I'd be complaining if I were back there, too. I agree with people's ability to do what they want, but there is a point where you're sort of assaulting the people who are looking at it!
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