Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sis Was Kind Enuff To Help

Me perform the ceremony explained in the blog entry below. One less thing for me to worry about.....

Dearly belittled, we are gathered here to witness this last minute, half assed, doing it for the money event in the presence of God, family and those of us forced to be here against our will.

So getting on it with it…. do you (insert name here) take this man to be your awfully wedded husband, to use, abuse and berate at every possible opportunity (wait for response).

Now, do you (insert name here) take this woman to be your awfully wedded wife to use, ignore and live off of for as long as you both shall live. (wait for response).

Now repeat after me….. I (insert name here) will stand Bayou through backwoods Cajun gumbo parties and dysfunctional family gatherings until I can’t take it anymore and go out for milk one day and never return.

I think I'll give my overalls a good washin' and fabreeze my flip flops for the sacred occasion.


Special K said...

Febreezin' your flip flops? We reserve that for funerals around these parts. No need in goin' all out for something that ain't gunna be permanent!

Burfica said...

Awwww why you dressing up so nice????

The Girl said...

I would say something but I can't stop laughing....Where did you steal my wedding vows from?

Alekx said...

Don't forget the stretchy tube top under the overalls.
Just aint the same with out it.

Libby said...

...yeah, a tube top!! thats good!! maybe you could wear shorts, and big tire-tread soled sandals with white tube socks too!

Coffeypot said...

sniff, sniff! That was so be-u-t-ful. Makes me wish...

Anonymous said...

I think in an attempt to properly upstage the bride Chris should forego the Tube Top and any other foundation garments and stick strictly to the over alls.

She's bringing sexy back

Sean the Obtuse Canadian

J Fab said...

Momma, that was hysterical about "your vows."

Can I please have a video copy of these nuptials????? RRROOOTTTFFFFFF! I wish I could be invited!

Just Me said...

Hey Christine, just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings you much happiness, some of which can be attributed to finding no chin hairs and having no water retention. Amen.