Holy shit. Am I a sucky blogger or what? I can't believe I have not posted shit in over a week.
As if I could possibly go that long with nothing to say.
So for your consideration, I present the highlights of the past week.
I worked, I slept, took several shits and probably picked my nose in my car a few times.
I know, amazing how I accomplished all that in a mere 9 days. Fortunately, I am a multitasker.
School has begun which results in my having to will my fat ass out of bed an hour earlier every day. I would think at nine years of age, the princess could fucking drive herself. A few phone books and a block of wood and she could reach the petals and see out the windshield just fine. I think she's just plain lazy.
I also need to announce that my wonderful son is taking time from school to find himself. Well, shit, I can help him with that.
He is in his room either sleeping until 2pm or playing guitar hero.
There...found. Now put down the controller, put out the joint and get the fuck out of my house.
I shouldn't be so hard on him. After all, he is quite adamant about having a plan.
"My plan is to mooch off of you until you throw my ass out."
Everyone needs a goal and I guess that one is as good as any other.
I'll get to checking up on the kewl kids' blogs really soon. Promise.