Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hey kiddo.  It is time I take a break from blogging for a while.  I have too many balls in the air and don't have the time nor the energy to keep up on this.

Of course I will still check your blogs like always.


Coffeypot said...

I hope you get everything under control soon. I'll be waiting for ya.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Yep, I'll keep the light on for ya.

Vinomom said...

I certainly know this feeling...btw if I hadn't left you my password it's pinot

yeah, like the wine.

Hope all is well with you.

Vinomom said...

I did not get the Farmville bug everyone else seemed to acquire.

I was, though, completely obsessed with Bejeweled Blitz for like two months. So I get it.