Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Words of Wisdom

Life doesn't give you unlimited chances to get what you want so you'd better take it when it is in front of you.


Don't try to dump your coffee out the window while going 60 mph on the freeway.

Whatcha got for me?


DILLIGAF said...

Drink lots and lots of vodka.

It helps.

I can't remember what it helps but it helps.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... love the title of your blog...


did you try dumping your coffee out on the freeway?? hope you didn't get caught for littering... cops these days... cracking down on everyone to get their payroll....

Coffeypot said...

Don't squat to take a crap with your spurs on.

If you are going to drink and drive, make sure you have a car.

The Dish said...

If the ex you are pining after gets a hot new girlfriend, find a way to put Visine in her drink while they are out on a date.

Christine said...

Ohh. must try that one dish!

Special K said...

Dont shit where you sleep. Sorry that's all I got.
You could go many directions with that one though. Sound advice. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't fool yourself and think it's inconsiderate and ask someone to pull over when your drunk and sick in the car. Ask ! Puking at 80 mph on I-295 is not a good idea and neither is the clean up of puke that sprayed the entire inside of the car :)

Vinomom said...

In Vino Veritas - In Wine there is Truth

razorbeck said...

Its good to be the King