I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Tiny House Guy. He sells plans to create small living spaces for people to lower costs and to lessen the prints on the environment.
He currently resides in a home of 89sq feet. Right now I am in my office which is more than double that and although it is fine to hang out in while I am working, to call something this small home?
I don't think so.
To try to live in half of it?
Fuck no.
However, I thought further and wondered if I would be "fuck no-ing" if it wasn't about being environmentally conscientious but a choice between living with people I didn't particularly care for in a bigger house or try to fit all my shoes in the doll house.
Doll House wins, hands down. You can only avoid other people so long. There has to be common areas such as kitchens even if you are lucky enough to have a private place to doodie.
Which got me thinking even further...
(Do you see a pattern here? Avoidance of work equals stupid mind wanderings....)
Is there anyone anywhere that I would feel perfectly able to share such a small place with and not be plotting their untimely death in a matter of days if not hours?
I've got nobody past or present.
Do you?